Nemoneh Raisins
Acid raisins

Acid raisins are known as greens. It is obtained by using an acid solution. In this method, the drying time of the Raisins is short and the coarseness of the Raisins is maintained during drying. The color of the prepared raisins is yellowish-green and soft. First, the arranged clusters are placed in a basket and immersed in the prepared solution for one minute. They are then placed in containers to drain and transferred to an area, but the clusters should not be stacked. In order to dry the Raisins evenly, by turning the clusters, they try to dry the lower part of the Raisins.
In this method, the drying time is from 5 to 8 days. The day before picking the spikes, we prepare an acid solution. For this purpose, in 100 liters of semi-hot water, we add 5 kg of commercial powder of potassium carbonate and 2 liters of green oil and afterward we stir the solution. The obtained solution, which has a milky color, is enough for 2500 kg of grapes. If while drying grapes, it is cloudy with slight sunlight, and at the same time, if the clusters contain large Raisins, they increase the amount of potassium carbonate and the same proportion of green oil in the solution. Potassium carbonate causes fine grooves on the surface of the Raisins and the rapid